Articles and General Info:
- AAAS Communication Toolkit – Excellent public engagement with science builds on a foundation of clear, concise communication. This toolkit provides guidance and tips to improve your communication skills.
- Communicating What We Know and What Isn’t So: Science Communication in Psychology – This article discusses strategies for navigating this tension by drawing on insights from the interdisciplinary fields of science communication and persuasion and social influence.
- APA 2023 Trends Report – This article discusses how psychologists are using technology to get research and clinical advice to those who need it.
- University of Alberta Science Literacy Course Modules – Science Literacy will teach you about the process of science, how to think critically, how to differentiate science from pseudoscience, how indigenous wisdom can inform science, how to understand and design a scientific study, and how to critically evaluate scientific communication in the media.
- Helping Give Away Psychological Science – Organization focused on enhancing evidence-based assessment content on the internet.
- Match Maker Podcasts – This is a platform to join if you want to be on someone else’s podcast—it matches podcast host to different speakers (and vice versa)!
- APA Media Referral Service – The MRS database is a computerized database that APA Public Affairs staffers use to direct the nation’s news media to psychologists with expertise on a wide variety of timely issues