The Rutgers NIAAA-funded T32 has an open postdoctoral positions in addiction research at Rutgers. This program emphasizes comprehensive career mentorship and research experience. Postdocs may work with any of the following mentors according to their research backgrounds and interests. In addition to their primary mentor, fellows may select a secondary mentor from a larger pool of training faculty.
Faculty mentors and areas of study include:
Dipak Sarkar, Ph.D., D.Phil. – His current research focuses on understanding how fetal alcohol exposures alter neuroimmune communications in the brain via extravesicular and epigenetic mechanisms to induce stress hyper-response, behavioral abnormalities, metabolic dysfunctions, immune incompetence and cancer.
Gary Aston-Jones, Ph.D. – His research focuses on the neural mechanisms of motivated behavior and examines the roles of ascending brain monoamine and peptide systems in addiction and cognitive processes.
Marsha Bates, Ph.D. – Her research program aims to understand integrated brain-body mechanisms of behavior change and use this knowledge to build novel intervention and prevention approaches to unhealthy alcohol use and other bio-behavioral problems.
Jennifer Buckman, Ph.D. – Her research focuses on the interplay of physiological systems, neural functioning, and behavior patterns that may help us determine when and how alcohol and cannabis use undermines health.
Denise Hien, Ph.D., ABPP – Her research integrates cognitive, interpersonal, and neurodevelopmental perspectives on traumatic stress and addiction over the lifespan and examines the impact of contextual factors such as race, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status on treatment process and outcome.
Jay A. Tischfield, Ph.D. – His current research focuses on the interaction of ethanol with specific cellular components and the effect on cell behavior. Other research involves engineered mice with the same mutations as humans with Tourette disorder.
Sulie Chang, Ph.D. – Her research focuses on the brain-immune axis of substance abuse and AIDS at the molecular, cellular, and systemic levels, from behavior to mechanisms.
Ronald P. Hart, Ph.D. – His current research uses normal and disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) to study mechanisms of neurogenesis and to model diseases of the human nervous system, specifically how genes interact with alcohol to affect function.
Zhiping Pang, M.D., Ph.D. – His research focuses on the neural basis of the regulation of feeding, satiety, metabolism and obesity, which may provide insights into the neural causes and consequences of childhood obesity.
Jiang-Hong Ye, M.D. – His research focuses on the neuronal mechanisms of drugs of abuse and related behaviors, such as anxiety, depression, and pain, and how we can use that information to inform prevention and intervention. It integrates electrophysiology, chemogenetic, molecular analysis, and behavioral studies in rodents.
Danielle Dick, Ph.D. – Her research focuses on how genetic and environmental influences contribute to the development of patterns of substance use and related behaviors, such as child behavioral and emotional challenges, and how we can use that information to inform prevention and intervention.
Applicants should submit a CV, cover letter, and a statement of training and career goals, the names of 3 references, and a transcript to:
For more information: Rutgers University Molecular Neuroscience of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Training (MNADRT) Program
Check out the Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC) to learn more about addiction research at Rutgers.