The aim of the Forum Board is to connect students seeking research opportunities and labs seeking research assistants. If you are a student, post your information under the “Students Looking for Research Opportunities” topic. If you are an investigator looking for a research assistant, post under “Labs Looking for Research Assistants”. For directions on how to use and post on the Forum Board, click here

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[Sticky] Student Research Opportunities

Posts: 4
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Joined: 2 years ago

We invite faculty to share details about open research opportunities for students. 

*Use topic tags to highlight details like levels encourage to apply, research focus, paid/unpaid 

1 Reply
Posts: 1
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Joined: 3 weeks ago

Hi! My name is Schantal Herrera and I am a graduate student in the Counselor Education program at Kean University. I have a background in psychology. As I wrap up my program at Kean University, I found myself extremely interested in learning more about addiction. Potentially aiming for my Psy.D in the future. As a future counselor, I am looking to do research in this area and continue finding more interventions and preventions to better assist clients and people in different communities. I am open to learning as much as possible regarding this topic! You can reach out to me here:


Thank you for your time! 
