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GENA Program Research Meeting featuring Dr. Elizabeth Stone, “Addressing Services and Policy in a Fragmented System”

January 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


The January GENA Program research meeting, is pleased to host Dr. Elizabeth Stone (Faculty in the RWJMS Department of Psychiatry and Core Faculty for the Center for Health Services Research at the IFH), who will be speaking on “Addressing Services and Policy in a Fragmented System”.

Join in-person at UBHC North D203, or via zoom (https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/97652076904?pwd=RXIxeFpLRFR6Q3Q1RU1zTkM2M1lOZz09&from=addon).
Meeting ID: 976 5207 6904
Password: 464439
Join by phone:

ABSTRACT: Addressing Services and Policy in a Fragmented System
The healthcare system in the United States is extremely fragmented with services for physical and mental healthcare, addiction treatment, and social welfare often delivered by different providers in different locations with different eligibility criteria and separate funding mechanisms. The effects of a fragmented system land disproportionately on individuals with serious mental illness, substance use disorder, and disability who require more services and often have the least resources to navigate the myriad systems. There are opportunities for intervention at multiple levels (federal, state, individual) to address fragmentation and improve outcomes for people living at the intersections of these systems.


January 19, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


UBHC Building
671 Hoes Ln. W.
Piscataway, NJ 08854 United States
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