The BHI and CAHBIR are pleased to announce the availability of pilot grants for Rutgers-New Brunswick faculty to facilitate research at the Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research.
In addition to scanning on CAHBIRs state of the art Siemens Prisma 3T magnet, researchers can propose studies that utilize CAHBIR’s new transcranial magnetic stimulator and EEG facilities, which will be available beginning in January 2024.
Two different awards are available this fall. The full research pilot is for $100,000 spread over two years and is designed to encourage ambitious projects. These proposals require an R21-style application.
Smaller mini-grants for $35,000 area also available and utilize a brief 3-page proposal format.
Funds for both types of grants can be used for a combination of scanning fees, TMS, EEG, technical support for analyses, subject participation fees, with a percentage of funds can also be used toward nonfaculty staff effort.
The application deadline is November 1st, 2023. Link to RFPs are below
CAHBIR 100K Pilot Grant for RU-NB RFP-2023Fall-final
CAHBIR Mini Pilot Grant for RU-NB RFP-2023Fall_final
Cover Page and Submission Checklist for Grants is available here: BHI-CAHBIR-Application-Cover-Page-2023f
For more information, visit the Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research