
BHI & CAHBIR Announces New Pilot Funding

The Brain Health Institute and Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research are pleased to announce the availability of funds for pilot grants for human neuroimaging studies. 

Separate mechanisms are available for RU-NB and RBHS faculty. 

Application due date is October 15th, 2024. Please see RFP below for details.

1. $20,000 Pilot Research Mini-Grants to fund RBHS faculty 

The Pilot mini-grant voucher program is aimed at aiding RBHS faculty in developing new neuroimaging research projects that make use of CAHBIR facilities, with the goal of facilitating pilot data that will be used in subsequent federal grant applications. 
CAHBIR Mini Pilot Grant Voucher for RBHS RFP-2024

2. $40,000 Training and Pilot Research Mini-Grants to fund RU-New Brunswick faculty

The Research Pilot mini-grants are aimed at aiding RU-New Brunswick faculty in developing research projects that make use of CAHBIR facilities, and to assist in the development of the skills necessary to successfully execute the MRI research. 
CAHBIR Mini Pilot Grant for RU-NB RFP-2024_fall

3. $60,000 Pilot Research Mini-Grants to fund RU-New Brunswick faculty

The Pilot Research Grants are aimed at aiding RU-New Brunswick faculty in developing research projects that make use of CAHBIR facilities, and to assist in the development of the skills necessary to successfully execute the MRI research. Please note that RBHS/RWJMS faculty are not eligible for these funds as a sole PI but may serve as a co-PI with a member of the RU-NB faculty. Such collaborations are encouraged. Alternatively, RBHS/RWJMS faculty may apply for a research mini-voucher designed for RBHS faculty (See RFP at
CAHBIR Pilot Grant for RU-NB RFP-2024Fall
