Are you interested in knowing your risk for addiction – including problems with alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, other drugs, gambling, gaming, social media, and more?
The Rutgers Addiction Research Center, directed by Principal Investigator, Dr. Danielle Dick, PhD, is currently running a research study to evaluate a newly developed online platform that provides individuals with personalized risk profiles that combine genetic, behavioral, and environmental information.
Participants will receive their personalized risk profile for FREE as well as up to $40 in compensation for completing research surveys to help the study team evaluate the program.

Who can participate?:
- Ages 18-25
- Residing in the United States
- Proficient in English (we’re sorry the program hasn’t been translated into other languages just yet!)
All participation can be done at home.
If you are interested in being contacted by the study team about participating in this study, please provide your email HERE.
If you have questions, please reach out to our study team at dnadiscoverystudy@rutgers.edu.
Danielle Dick, PhD
671 Hoes Ln. W. Piscataway, NJ 08854