The Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC) is a pan-Rutgers umbrella organization within the Brain Health Institute (BHI) designed to unite addiction researchers from across the university. With many addiction-related centers housed within individual departments or schools, the RARC strives to bring researchers across the university together and create a collaborative community focused on reducing the burden of addiction. 

The RARC encompasses over 150 researchers from more than 40 departments and schools and 26 institutes and centers, spanning research domains such as basic science, epidemiology, etiology and prevention, treatment and recovery, and public policy. 

Anyone engaged in addiction-related research at Rutgers, regardless of their department, school, or affiliation, is welcome to join the RARC. 

Affiliating with the RARC is simple—anyone can join!

  • Click here to add your information to our website. Our website features all researchers across Rutgers who are doing work related to addiction. We have developed a researcher directory allowing individuals to search by domain, school, department, center, and keywords. We’d love to feature you and your research while also helping you connect with colleagues who share similar interests. The website also has pages that showcase on-going projects and studies seeking participants.
  • Click here to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date on all things addiction-related at Rutgers and in the local community. We send weekly updates with information about seminars and speakers, grant funding opportunities, new projects, and more. If you have information you want to share with the community (new grants, new papers, looking for a student/collaborator, etc.), let us know by emailing so we can include your information. You can also follow us on social: X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube for addiction related news and content. 

No, you don’t need to be a member to participate in RARC activities. Most events and opportunities are open to anyone interested in addiction-related research—just show up and get involved! 

  • For Researchers:
    The RARC will showcase your work, help you find collaborators, stay informed about addiction-related funding and events, and provide helpful information on grants and research on our resources page.
  • For Students and Trainees:
    The RARC will help you connect with other trainees and faculty doing addiction-related research across the university, collate addiction-related coursework and training programs across all levels (undergraduate, graduate, medical), advertise postdoctoral opportunities, and alert you about addiction-related seminars. Join the RARC listserv. 
  • For Community Members:
    The RARC provides opportunity to learn about new addiction research advances, events, and talks, and connect to Rutgers’ addiction services. Subscribe to our community newsletter to stay engaged with RARC activities. . 

Sign up for our mailing list to receive weekly updates about addiction-related seminars, funding opportunities, new projects, and more. If you’d like to share information (e.g., grants, papers, student or collaborator searches), email us at 

Follow Us on Social Media – Stay up to date with addiction research news and content:
📌 X (Twitter) | 📌 LinkedIn | 📌 Facebook | 📌 YouTube