Below is a list of Rutgers research projects that are actively seeking participants. Click on the study titles below to learn more about how you can be a part of the research. Many research opportunities offer compensation for participation.
Research Community Partnership
The Research Community Partnership (RCP), overseen by the Rutgers Addiction Research Center, is a central enrollment hub for community members to participate in Rutgers research projects, and for researchers to recruit for their studies. Anyone who wants to be a part of research can enroll in the RCP! Learn more and enroll online at
If you are a researcher interested in hosting your project on this page, please email with your project details.
Struggling with anxiety or stress? Drinking regularly and want to make a change? Join the PTD study!
What to Expect:
- Complete short smartphone surveys (up to 14 weeks)
- Complete 2 assessment meetings (receive $30 e-gift card/meeting)
- Receive 11 no-cost Zoom (or in-person) counseling sessions
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Click the link to take our short screening survey:
We hope to meet you soon!
Research Study on Medical Marijuana
Eligibility: You may qualify if you are ages 21 to 65, are a medical cannabis patient, have a valid driver’s license, and have an Android phone
Project description: Volunteers needed for confidential research study on medical marijuana and driving.
Participation involves:
- 1st study visit with interview and questionnaires
- 14 days of daily phone surveys, daily collection of driving data using smartphone app, and optional collection of heart rate data using wristband
- Follow-up visit with interview and questionnaires
Earn up to $298 for completing all study tasks
Help us understand how cannabis might affect driving in daily life
Contact: Tammy Chung, PhD
for more information and to do the online screener to find out if you’re eligible, go to:
Eligibility: Individuals 18 years and older with opioid use disorder in the last 12 months and any criminal justice involvement in the last 6 months.
Project Description: This is a multi-site randomized clinical trial evaluating extended-release buprenorphine vs. extended-release naltrexone vs. standard of care medications for opioid use disorder in individuals leaving incarceration or with a recent history of criminal justice involvement.
Project Contact: Amesika Nyaku,
Eligibility: Individuals 18 years and older who use drugs and are willing to be interviewed.
Project Description: This is a qualitative study of the perspectives of people who use drugs to build a foundation for an overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) program that directly addresses the needs of people who are most affected by opioid overdose, people who use drugs.
Project Contact: Amesika Nyaku,
Eligibility: We’re looking for adults 18 years and older with or without a history of opioid dependence (e.g. heroin, fentanyl, oxycontin).
Project Description: The goal of this study is to examine the effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation treatment. Participants will be asked to complete two computerized tasks while we record brainwaves (EEG) and apply transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Participants will also be asked to complete questionnaires about themselves, and their drug use history.
Project Contact: If you are interested in our study and want to learn more, please contact us at:
Eligibility: We’re actively recruiting social drinkers.
Project Description: This is an online study exploring the effects of a hangover on bodily sensations. You can earn $75 for your participation.
Project Contact: Please reach out to Nandita: 732-743-5414. Study posted by Mateo Leganes-Fonteneau (
Eligibility: We are looking for adults age 18 and older
Project Description: We are recruiting for a number of paid research studies related to decision neuroscience and computational psychiatry. Our studies involve at least one visit to Rutgers University. You will be compensated for your time.
Project Contact: If you want to learn more, please visit
Eligibility: Actively recruiting individuals between the ages of 18-35 years
Project Description: The aim of this project is to examine whether a brief behavioral intervention of slow breathing paced at a resonance frequency of the cardiovascular system can enhance attention and cognitive control in young adults. Results from this study may provide evidence of novel brain-body prevention and intervention targets to improve physical health.
Project Contact: To inquire about participating, email Dr. Brandon Alderman,
Eligibility: Females between the ages of 18-40 who consume alcohol regularly (4 days per week; 7 drinks per week)
Project Description: This project examines the role of fluctuations in progesterone and estradiol (ovarian hormones) as biological mechanisms of affective dysfunction that maintain the rewarding effects of alcohol in females with heavy drinking. This study involves a within-subjects, observational design with prospective daily assessment over the course of the menstrual cycle.
Project Contact: Dr. Samantha Farris,
Eligibility: Click here: to learn more about this study and see if you’re eligible to participate.
Project Description: There is an emerging body of literature highlighting the impact of gun violence on the general population. However, there is a dearth of research regarding how gun violence is enacted among SGM, especially in New Jersey, despite evidence that SGM are more likely to experience IPV than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. The goal of this mixed-methods study is to collect pilot data on the role of guns in occurrences of interpersonal violence (IPV) among sexual and gender minorities (SGM) in order to address current gaps in the literature. The specific aims of this study are to: 1) describe the intersection of gun access, possession, and violence with interpersonal partner violence among SGM in NJ using semi-structured interviews; 2) assess the extent to which gun access, possession, and/or violence victimization/perpetration is explained by (a) sociodemographic factors and (b) history of IPV victimization and/or perpetration among SGM in NJ; and 3) understand the role of mental health, substance use, and psychosocial factors in relation to gun access, possession, and/or violence victimization/perpetration among SGM in NJ.
Project Contact: Kristen Krause,