
Seeking Faculty Mentors for TRUE RARC Undergraduate Research Program

We are looking to collect faculty interest in serving as mentors for our new NIH-funded undergraduate research training program, “Training in Research Undergraduate Experience through the Rutgers Addiction Research Center, the “TRUE RARC” Scholar Program. Through this program, students take two foundational research methods courses (Data Science & Addiction Research I & II) before engaging in two semesters of paid research experience in participating faculty labs during the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 semesters. If you are interested in becoming a faculty mentor to a trained undergraduate student, please complete the survey here:

Faculty Mentor Form

You can learn more about the TRUE RARC Scholar Program on our website or reach out to with any questions. The goal of the program is to onboard undergraduate students into promising career pathways in addiction-related research, and our program is designed to support students through graduate school matriculation. Thank you for your support in training the next generation of addiction researchers!