
2023-2024 Rutgers Brain Health Institute Trainee Travel Awards

The Rutgers Brain Health Institute (BHI) is pleased to announce the Spring 2024 trainee travel award for Rutgers neuroscience PhD, MD/PhD students and post-docs. BHI will provide $500 awards to help offset the cost of attending a national or international conference that was held during the current fiscal year (i.e., by June 30, 2024). For the Spring cycle, there will be awards in each of the four BHI focus areas- Neurodegeneration and Injury, Neurodevelopment, Motivational and Affective Neuroscience, and Cognitive and Sensory Neuroscience. Each of the four Focus Area Working Groups (FAWGs) will select the awardees. In addition, the Junior Faculty Working Group (JFWG) will select candidates for travel awards set aside exclusively for graduate students or post-docs whose primary mentors are junior faculty (defined as faculty holding a tenure-track Assistant Professor title).

To apply for the awards, please fill out the attached application form, attach the conference abstract to be presented (250 word maximum), your recent CV, and a single page letter of support from lab PI.  Combine all documents into ONE single PDF.

Submit all materials by March 15, 2024, to .

Trainee Travel Awardees must–

  1. Acknowledge the Rutgers Brain Health Institute on the poster or in the slide presentation (submit a picture of the Acknowledgement section of the conference poster or presentation slide).
  2. Present the poster at the Annual Rutgers BHI symposium held during the Fall semester.
  3. Submit copies of the travel and registration receipts.

** Trainees in the labs of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the BHI Working Groups are not eligible for these travel award competitions as they have already been allotted separate trainee travel awards from BHI.

Neurodegeneration & Injury FAWG: Chair- Dr. Detlev Boison; Vice Chair- Dr. Steve Levison

Neurodevelopment FAWG: Chair- Dr. Wayne Fisher; Vice Chair- Dr. Chiara Manzini

Motivational & Affective Neuroscience FAWG: Chair- Dr. Danielle Dick; Vice Chair- Dr. Zhiping Pang

Cognitive & Sensory Neuroscience FAWG: Chair- Dr. David Zald; Vice Chair- Dr. Robin Davis

Junior Faculty Working Group (JFWG): Chair- Dr. Victoria Abraira; Vice Chair- Dr. Miriam Bocarsly

BHI Trainee Travel Awards Form – Download here