At the RARC, we are committed to creating a community where everyone feels welcome, and to ensuring that our research advances improve health outcomes for all. We believe that the foundation for creating community is through connection – between researchers, community members, and individuals with lived experience, all bringing their diverse perspectives and expertise to collaboratively find solutions to prevent and treat addiction.

Many RARC faculty members are actively engaged in community-focused research and scholarship addressing the needs of diverse populations. They serve as valuable resources for researchers looking to integrate community engagement practices into their work. If you are an RARC member seeking support in working with underrepresented populations or incorporating community-engaged practices into your research, please reach out to the RARC Chair for Community Initiatives Dr. Alexandria Bauer at We are here to help you build meaningful connections and enhance the impact of your work. Below are resources to support you in conducting community-engaged work with diverse populations.

Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a key component of community-engaged research, ensuring that studies align with community needs and incorporate diverse perspectives.

Featured Advisor: Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Swarbrick 

Associate Director, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies;
Research Professor, Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology

Dr. Swarbrick is a leading expert in community engagement has worked
extensively with peer communities and family groups to identify and address
social determinants that impact addiction recovery. She has developed
self-care wellness programs for individuals in recovery, caregivers, families,
and professionals.

For guidance on building a CAB or collaborating on community-engaged research, contact Dr. Swarbrick at

Before reaching out to potential partners, it’s helpful to understand the foundations of community-engaged research. Below are key resources selected by RARC researchers to guide you:

Science Communication & Community Engagement Seminar

Watch this first: This recorded seminar provides an introduction to community-engaged research, featuring insights from two RARC faculty members on effective strategies for working with communities.

This program aims to provide participants with interdisciplinary training and foundational skills in community-engaged science communication and research. Through exploring the concept of community, we will discuss effective strategies for engagement and emphasize the significance of communicating research findings to both scientists and community members.

The RARC is committed to fostering connections between researchers and community organizations. We encourage both researchers and community groups to complete the surveys below:

  • For researchers: Share your interest in community-engaged research and let us know how we can support your efforts: Survey Link
  • For community organizations: If you’re interested in research collaborations, fill out our interest form, and your organization will be listed as a potential partner: Survey Link

Looking for Resources to Support Work with Diverse Populations?

Rutgers offers many resources to support efforts to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Rutgers University Equity and Inclusion (UEI). The Rutgers Office of Equity and Inclusion has the mission to integrate the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of our university. UEI maintains an active web and communication presence across the university. They developed the University’s first-ever Diversity Strategic Plan in March 2022 outlining the plan to realize the institutional commitment to inclusive excellence. The plan contains results from an equity audit, details about the planning process, strategic planning goals and university diversity priorities, as well as action steps for each goal laid out in the report. Further, the UEI oversees the Faculty Diversity Collaborative, a group of dedicated staff and faculty diversity liaisons who work across four Chancellor-led units to prioritize individualized and targeted support across the faculty life cycle; ensure culturally responsive mentoring; expand cross-campus networking, mentoring, and community-building opportunities to reduce isolation, and; foster leadership ambition in diverse faculty and equip them with the skills to succeed.  
  • Rutgers Developing Inclusive Leaders. Inclusive leadership development opportunities aim to enhance understanding of bias and discrimination, emphasize institutional culture’s impact on climate and unit culture, and boost leaders’ confidence in addressing inequity promptly. The Inclusive Leadership Network hosts the Inclusive Leadership Academy, a cohort-based program to equip academic and administrative leaders to engage in critical self-reflection, foster positive relationships, and work toward institutional transformation within their scope and areas of responsibility. 
  • Rutgers IDEA Innovation Grant Program. The mission of the IDEA innovation grants is to support projects that enable students, faculty, and staff across Rutgers University to take an active role in building an inclusive community. As Rutgers invests in broader institutional efforts to advance equity, the IDEA grant program offers a way for innovative grassroots efforts to join in our larger strategy. We invite projects that encourage understanding and learning, invest in relationship-building across difference, and offer new ways to promote equity and diversity to achieve our goal of an inclusive university culture. 
  • Rutgers NJMS Center for Cultural Competency. Cultural Competency” initiatives” at NJMS (New Jersey Medical School) refers to culturally competent training over the entire spectrum of learners including faculty and residents. Training of Faculty/Preceptors consists of a 3-hour workshop.  The training aims to develop the facilitation skills and content needed to lead small group discussions on cultural and linguistic competency topics. It is anticipated that over time these faculty members will serve as future cultural competency trainers for their colleagues.  In the immediate future they will impact the medical students and residents they train by fostering discussion on rounds and seminars relative to cross-cultural care. Similar to their faculty mentors, the training for residents aims to increase their understanding of their own culture, perceptions about others, and enhance their cross-cultural skills. Through a series of carefully crafted activities residents have an opportunity to explore how these perceptions impact their delivery of care to diverse populations. Case-based videos, role-playing, and hands on exercises permit the acquisition of knowledge, self-reflection, and skills building. Training is conducted in a manner that residents can also safely share their beliefs, biases, and stereotypes. It is anticipated that over time these residents will serve as future trainers to their colleagues and reinforce the education provided to NJMS medical students.  
  • Rutgers RWJMS Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA). Established in 1996, the RWJMS (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School) Office of Multicultural Affairs mission and goals are to assist students at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School by preparing them to become competent, compassionate, culturally aware and sensitive physicians in our increasingly diverse society. OMA sponsors and supports educational and cultural programs to enhance awareness of and sensitivity to race, gender, religion, ethnicity and culture and to promote culturally competent health care as well as respect for all communities. RWJMS offers a comprehensive approach to increasing diversity in the health professions with the ultimate goal of eliminating healthcare disparities through educational programs, community outreach and healthcare promotion and awareness activities. The school offers several high school and undergraduate pipeline pre-medical programs.  
  • School of Graduate Studies (SGS). SGS was created in July 2017 following the merger of the former UMDNJ-Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) with the former Rutgers Graduate School-New Brunswick (GS-NB). The impetus for this merger, which was led by the deans of GSBS and GSNB (Scotto and Kukor), was the desire to provide an integrated and robust infrastructure that would best support the trans- disciplinary education and training of our future scholars. SGS hosts 5200 students enrolled in over 150 doctoral, master’s and dual-degree programs in the humanities, social sciences, life sciences, biomedical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, and engineering. This newly created infrastructure is facilitating interactions and training opportunities within and across disciplines, harmonizing common processes and procedures and fostering stronger collaborations among our faculty. It has provided an opportunity to optimize and synergize operations that previously existed in the two schools, with the intent of creating a single world-class infrastructure that affords the graduate education and support found at our AAU and Big Ten peer institutions. Building and sustaining a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community is a core mission of SGS and is acted upon through funding, mentoring, outreach and partnership. SGS offers graduate school preparation support, and recruitment databases and fellowship sources to support Rutgers students. Additionally, SGS oversees RISE (Research Intensive Summer Experience), a nationally acclaimed summer research program for outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds, and SROP (Summer Research Opportunity Program), a gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities.
  • The Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Center at Rutgers University-Newark is one of 28 national, comprehensive, and community-based initiatives developed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities.  
  • The Rutgers-Newark Honors Living-Learning Community creates a culture of inclusion by fostering a diverse and collaborative environment where students, faculty, and staff can learn from each other’s perspectives, experiences, and aspirations.